Q. How long does it take to make a table?

A. Three and one-half years plus one week. All woods are cut at 3.5 inches. It takes a year per inch to dry and a week to make the table.

Q. What is that green stuff? Why turquoise and not other colors?

A. Turquoise is soft enough to work with.

Q. What is the black color you use?

A. Espresso ground coffee and resin.

Q. What is the white color you use?

A. The shin bone of a cow is called “iboney.”

Q. What is the finish you use on the wood?

A. Tung oil varnish. It goes into the wood, becomes part of the wood, and cannot be scratched off.

Q. Do you only work with solid wood?

A. When sawing logs, often beautiful pieces of wood are discovered. These sections of wood can be sent out be cut into veneer so that I can use those extremely figured pieces of veneer in a better way.  

Q. How much does a table weigh?

A. It depends on the size, but a ten-foot table weighs between 300-400 pounds.

Q. Is the furniture only useful indoors? Can it stand the elements of the outdoors?

A. Pieces are good for inside and outside because its hardwood.

Q. Are there other pieces available besides tables?

A.  Yes! I make bars, chairs, mantles, doors, bookcases, chests, buffets, headboards, desks, wall coverings, and wainscoting.

Q. How are the tables moved?

A. I use a sheetrock dolly. First, all of the tables disassemble. Then, if the floors are too nice, workers can carry the product.

Q. Do you ever buy logs?

A. Yes, from time to time if a log is interesting. I am always interested in a nice piece of wood.

Q. Can a tabletop be bought without the base?

A. Yes, tabletops can be purchased alone. These are often used for kitchen countertops and islands.